Dienstag, 14. September 2021

MEDIZIN - Blood salvage in emergencies (Dr Queeneth Kalu) / 2021

Dr. Queeneth Kalu hält einen sehr informativen Vortrag über die Rettung in Notfällen ohne Fremdblut verwenden zu müssen. Die Blutrückgewinnung ist eine wichtige Technik zur Minimierung des perioperativen Blutverlusts...

Dr Queeneth Kalu delivers a very informative lecture on blood salvage in emergencies.  Blood salvage is an important technique in minimizing perioperative blood loss which helps in the achievement of improved clinical outcomes in bloodless surgery.
Dr Kalu is a Fellow of the West African College of Surgeons and Chief Consultant Anaesthesiologist in University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, as well as an Associate Professor of Anaesthesiology in University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria.  She has published several papers in peer reviewed journals, a book on anaesthesiology, and presented several papers at international conferences. Dr Kalu has received several awards, including the distinguished Service Award of the Nigerian Society of Anaesthetists, and the Service Award of the Medical Women’s Association of Nigeria.  She has held top management positions in her institution and was Chairman, Medical Advisory Committee 2011-2015. Dr Kalu is deeply interested in Quality of Care in clinical practice, and is a member of the Bloodless Medicine & Surgery Society, the Society for the Advancement of Blood Management, and many other professional societies.

Intraoperative blood salvage (IOS), also known as cell salvage, is a specific type of autologous blood transfusion. Specifically IOS is a medical procedure involving recovering blood lost during surgery and re-infusing it into the patient. It is a major form of autotransfusion.

It has been used for many years and gained greater attention over time as risks associated with allogenic (separate-donor) blood transfusion have seen greater publicity and become more fully appreciated. Several medical devices have been developed to assist in salvaging the patient's own blood in the perioperative setting. The procedure is frequently used in cardiothoracic and vascular surgery, during which blood usage has traditionally been high. A greater effort to avoid adverse events due to transfusion has also increased the emphasis on blood conservation (see bloodless surgery).

HISTORY - Blut als Heilmittel in der Antike

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