Samstag, 6. April 2024

MEDIZIN - Platelet Rich Plasma and Platelet Gel (Gary Koenig CCP LP CPBMS CRABT) (2023)

Autologous platelet rich plasma and platelet gel are effective methods of haemostasis. In a vibrant and informative lecture, Gary Koenig, CCP, LP, CPBMS, CRABT, outlines the preparation and application of these simple, safe, and effective products, which are perhaps under-utilized.

Gary Koenig is the founder and president of Comprehensive Blood Management, Inc. for the past 20 years.  His company specializes in patient blood management intra-operatively.  Gary is from Wilson, North Carolina, and graduated from The Medical University of South Carolina in 1994 with a degree as a Cardiovascular Perfusionist after serving five years active duty in the United States Navy.  He is a Certified and Licensed Clinical Perfusionist, a Perioperative Blood Management Specialist (PBMS), as well as a Certified Autologous Blood Therapist (CABT).  Gary also serves as an Assessor for the AABB for the Standards for Perioperative Autologous Blood Collection and Administration.  Gary has a tremendous amount of experience and passion for blood management and regenerative medicine and enjoys sharing his knowledge and experiences with others.  He is married with two daughters and is an avid outdoorsman.

HISTORY - Blut als Heilmittel in der Antike

Römer tranken Gladiatorenblut als Heilmittel gegen Epilepsie!   Die alten Römer waren bekannt dafür, gewalttätige Formen der Unterhaltung zu...