Mittwoch, 2. August 2023

MEDIZIN - Managing obstetric haemorrhage without blood transfusion (Prof Etim I Ekanem)


Obstetric haemorrhage is the #1 cause of maternal mortality worldwide.  Is managing obstetric haemorrhage without blood transfusion possible?  Could bloodless care actually result in better maternal and foetal outcomes?  Dr Etim I Ekanem discusses his experience in a low-resource setting.

Dr Etim Ekanem is a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology in University of Calabar, and Chief Consultant in Gynaecology Oncology unit of University of Calabar Teaching Hospital.  He was Head of Department and Head of Examination Board at various times.  He also headed the Committee of Prevention of Post partum Haemorrhage. Currently he is the chairman of University of Calabar Teaching Hospital Patient Blood Management Committee, and Departmental COVID-19 Incident Management Committee.  

He has attended many national and international conferences and presented on his research works particularly in the area of obstetric haemorrhage and infection prevention. He has published over 60 papers in peer reviewed learned journals. He has written books on the Obstetric and Gynaecological Practice in the Tropics, Infection Prevention and Control in Hospital Setting. He is editor and reviewer of some national and international medical journals.

He is member of many professional and learned societies including the Bloodless Medicine and Surgery Society, from which he received an Award of Excellence “For his excellent contributions to the science and practice of Bloodless Medicine & Surgery” in 2015. 

HISTORY - Blut als Heilmittel in der Antike

Römer tranken Gladiatorenblut als Heilmittel gegen Epilepsie!   Die alten Römer waren bekannt dafür, gewalttätige Formen der Unterhaltung zu...