Mittwoch, 2. August 2023

MEDIZIN - BM Education Ultimate Game Changer (A Shander MD)


Dr Aryeh Shander shares some deep thoughts on why he believes that bloodless medicine education will be the ultimate game changer.

Dr Shander is Emeritus Chair, Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine, Pain Management and Hyperbaric Medicine, and Executive Director of Institute of PBM and Bloodless Medicine & Surgery at Englewood Hospital & Medical Center in Englewood, NJ. He is also an Adjunct Clinical Professor of Anesthesiology, Medicine & Surgery at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City, and Courtesy Clinical Professor, University of Florida College of Medicine. Dr. Shander also serves as Director of Education for TEAMHealth Anesthesia and serves as Senior Medical Consultant to Accumen. His publications have appeared in several prestigious peer-reviewed medical journals. He is the author/editor of multiple book chapters and contributes to textbooks on blood management. In 1997 Dr. Shander was recognized by Time magazine as one of America's "Heroes of Medicine." He is a founding member and past president of SABM, and a recipient of Bloodless Medicine & Surgery Society 2019 Award of Excellence.

HISTORY - Blut als Heilmittel in der Antike

Römer tranken Gladiatorenblut als Heilmittel gegen Epilepsie!   Die alten Römer waren bekannt dafür, gewalttätige Formen der Unterhaltung zu...