Sonntag, 10. April 2022

MEDIZIN - Safety & quality of care in bloodless medicine from a nursing perspective*Sherri Ozawa-Morriello - RN

Bloodless medicine is a multidisciplinary endeavour.  Sherri Ozawa-Morriello, RN, provides clarity in her lecture on the important issues of safety and quality of care in bloodless medicine from a nursing perspective.

Sherri (as she is popularly and affectionately addressed by her peers) has been a leader in the field of patient blood management for more than two decades. Her background in critical care nursing enabled her to help create one of the largest and most widely known multidisciplinary patient blood management programs in the world at Englewood Hospital in New Jersey. She has lectured throughout the United States and internationally, with a particular focus on the creation and implementation of sustainable, organized Patient Blood Management Programs. She has published numerous peer reviewed abstracts, posters, book chapters, and articles on the subject, and continues to be actively involved in research in the field. She has also worked extensively with regulatory agencies and other academic organizations, such as The Joint Commission, to analyze and develop better practices for delivery and creation of organized Patient Blood Management Programs. Additionally, Sherri has advised and served as an expert for numerous medical and public media outlets.  She served as an Investigator on the first US Federal Government Grant via the Department of Defense funding the creation of an organized training program for physicians and other health care professionals in the field of patient blood management.  She was also a founding member and Immediate Past President for the Society for the Advancement of Blood Management, an international multidisciplinary medical society dedicated to promoting optimal Patient Blood Management. Sherri has won several awards, including SABM Kathleen J Sazama Award “For Outstanding Leadership in Advancing Patients’ Rights in Patient Blood Management” (2017), and Bloodless Medicine & Surgery Society Award of Excellence (2019). She currently serves as Clinical Resource Director for Accumen, Inc., a US based company specializing in implementation of comprehensive Patient Blood Management Programs across the USA.

HISTORY - Blut als Heilmittel in der Antike

Römer tranken Gladiatorenblut als Heilmittel gegen Epilepsie!   Die alten Römer waren bekannt dafür, gewalttätige Formen der Unterhaltung zu...